
In The Car With Clara and Zach Movie Reviews

Despicable Me (2010) Movie Review

"Awh! Look at those cute little minions!"

The real reason I wanted to see this movie, was simply to watch Gru's minions... and I was super freakin tired of seeing the commercials! So, when Clara called me and said that Jonathan wanted to see it I jumped at the opportunity to go.

Apparently Gru (Steve Carell) has been the number 1 villain in the past, until Vector Perkins comes along, steals the Pyramid of Giza and pushes Gru to the number 2 villain position. Well, Gru has a super amazing plan. Shrink the moon, and steal it. Simple enough. He heads to the bank to get a loan, but is turned down since he doesn't have an operational shrink ray. So, he adopts three girls, Margot (Miranda Cosgrove) Edith (Dana Gaier) and Agnes (Elsie Fisher) to help him break into Vector's place to steal the shrink ray. Little does he know he will soon fall in love with these little girls, as every person in the theatre does too.

This movie was amazingly good. All of the actors were great, although I could have done without Gru's distracting accent. The plot line was... mildly predictable, but still quite original. Though the ending wasn't as good as it could have been, I found myself feeling for Gru and the Orphans as they became close until that inevitable goodbye, and probable return. The minions were just hilarious, and I found myself laughing a bunch during this movie. No, I wasn't rolling on the floor laughing, or laughing my a** off, but I was giggling, and smiling a lot throughout this movie. My favorite character by far was Dr. Nefario (Russel Brand) although, when he became a mild villain I wanted to kill him. Sometimes I kept asking myself, could this really happen? And though the answer was no, I then realized, what makes this movie funny is the highly unlikely scenario in which it takes place. Overall, Despicable Me delighted Jonathan, the parents in the theatre, the kids, and myself, and this is definitely a movie I could see again, and again, and again, and again...


Toy Story 3 (2010) Movie Review

Andy's going to college?!

In 1995 Disney Pixar released Toy Story. It was amazing. Realizing this amazing success, they released Toy Story 2 in 1999. This movie was also amazing. But, what the public wanted was Toy Story 3. They wanted to see new toys, characters, and a new storyline. But, Disney Pixar was too busy releasing Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Cars, Ratatouille, Up, Monsters Inc., and Wall E. These movies were all a critical success as well, but the world wanted Toy Story 3 dammit! So, 11 years after Toy Story 2 was released, Disney Pixar released Toy Story 3. Everybody was so excited! They would finally see their favorite kid grow up, and their favorite toys one last time. But would it work?

It did. Toy Story 3 was freaking amazing. Andy is going on to college, and has four choices. Get rid of his toys, take them to college, put them in the attic, or donate them to the local daycare. Well... his toys are his closest friends. So he packs them up... in a trash bag, and is going to put them in the attic, when his mom throws them away. Woody (Tom Hanks) must rush to save them, but they instead get themselves donated to Sunnyside Daycare Center, where they meet Lots-O-Huggin-Bear (Ned Beatty), the leader of the Daycare. He soon turns out to be a vindictive dictator, having been unloved by his previous owner, Daisy, he thinks all toys should be tortured, and therefore puts Buzz (Tim Allen), Jessie (Joan Cusack), and the rest of the gang through the ringer.

This movie is fantastic. It works so well. The storyline is fantastic, the actors were all great, and the animation was flawless. If you're a fan of The Toy Story series, you will love this possible final installment in the series.


Capitalism: A Love Story (2009) Movie Review

It was a Friday night and I needed a movie to watch. So, on Demand, I see a Michael Moore documentary. I thought... should I watch this?

I am glad I did. Michael Moore is a genius in this movie. The movie opened my eyes to the flaws of our government and made me feel for the many people affected by the failing economy! Now, Michael Moore seems like a rebel in this movie, trying to put down the government, but it is well deserved. Capitalism: A Love Story is of course a documentary, but at points it is funny, dramatic, and I honestly forgot that I was watching a documentary. The movie focuses on the financial crisis of 2007-2010 and the recovery stimulus, while putting forward an indictment of the current economic order in the United States  and capitalism in general. Topics covered include Wall Street's "casino mentality", for-profit prisons, Goldman Sachs' influence in Washington, D.C.,  the poverty-level wages of many workers, the large wave of home forclosures , and the consequences of "runaway greed". The film also features a religious component where Moore examines whether or not capitalism is a sin and if Jesus would be a capitalist. This movie was fantastic. Needless to say I will soon be buying it on DVD/Blu Ray. Michael Moore's best movie? Capitalism: A Love Story.


Date Night (2010) Review

Another movie I saw at the Drive-In with my friends. Here's what I thought going in to this movie... "This is going to be hilarious!"

It wasn't. It sucked. This movie also claimed to be the funniest thing since "The Hangover" hell no. The only funny part was "Killshot, that's a killshot" and that was only funny because it's an inside joke between my friends! The story made absolutely no sense whatsoever. The couple of Steve Carell and Tina Fey, go to a restaraunt and take the Triplehorn's reservation instead of waiting one hour for a table of their own. Harmless, until a group of thugs comes and takes them away mistaking them for the Triplehorns. The Triplehorns have stolen some gangster's flashdrive which had blackmail pictures of a senator... I think. I really don't know. Because this movie was freaking confusing. Oh well. It wasn't funny, and it wasn't good. It sucked.


Get Him To The Greek (2010) Review

This is actually one that Clara didn't go with me to see... but all of my friends did. So... yeah. Friends!

Starring Jonah Hill, Russel Brand, and Sean Combs, this movie was supposed to be the funniest movie since "The Hangover"... IT WAS! It was hilarious. The movie is about Jonah Hill's character, who works for Sean Combs. He is given the task to get the washed up music star that is Russel Brand, to perform a  10 year anniversary concert at the Greek theatre in New York. Simple? Hell no! Russel Brand takes Jonah on a journey, getting him drunk, high, laid, and pissed off, over the course of three days. All ends well though. And for the two and a half hours I was cramped in my friend Daniel's car at the drive-in I was laughing my ass off! This movie is sooo funny. Now, granted, it's your stupid humor, much as "The Hangover", but it works. This movie is just hilarious. The story is... OK, but still... I would recommend it to age appropriate audiences. Great movie.


A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) Review

Well, well, well. Michael Bay decides to take yet another swing at the horror genre. With such popular remakes as "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre", "Friday the 13th" and with such successes as "Transformers" and "Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen" it makes perfect sense for him to want to re-do Wes Craven's classic horror series "Nightmare on Elm Street"

The 2010 remake of the classic film, stars Jackie Earle Haley as Freddy Kruger, instead of Robert Englund. Now, though Englund had a better makeup staff, Haley played a scary Kruger. This movie wasn't truly a remake. There were a lot of new aspects to the movie, that weren't in the original. There were a couple new characters, and a lot more background information on Kruger's death. Somehow, this movie drew me in immediately and even had me jumping a bunch of times (and for someone who has seen a lot of scary movies, this is surprising). Upon leaving the theatre I found myself amazed at this great movie, and thinking 'money well spent'


The Last Song (2010) Review

No, you didn't miss an episode of In The Car With Clara and Zach but Clara and I did go to see this movie. We just didn't post the review, because... well I don't know why.


Written for and starring Miley Cyrus, "The Last Song" is another love story. Miley Cyrus plays Ronnie, a troubled teen, goes to visit her father in Florida. There, she meets a "gorgeous" boy, and falls in love. Of course, much trouble ensues for her. Her father has been hiding a terminal illness from her and her little brother, the boy's parents don't like her, the ex girlfriend wants back in the picture, and she's trying to save Sea Turtle eggs. Overall, Miley Cyrus SUCKED in this movie. Even though the part was made for her, she didn't fit it. Her acting capabilities were not good enough for this movie! The movie had a so-so plot, and... a so-so cast. I think my favorite character was the little brother, because he was the most entertaining and believable in the movie... and he was like ten. The movie didn't make me tear up like "The Notebook" but it was still moderately entertaining.


The Crazies (2010) Review

So... we've got ANOTHER remake. Psh.

The Crazies is a remake of a 1970s classic of the same name. Maybe a revamp will be better? Who knows? Well I do!

This is another movie about an epidemic disease that turns people into killers. Sound like any other movie you've heard of? Probably. How about "I Am Legend", "28 Days Later", "28 Weeks Later", "The Crazies (1970s)", "30 Days of Night", and many others? Well it may not be the most original idea, but it's still... an OK movie. The actors were... mediocre at best, but I found myself rooting for them. The "scares" were not good, so I wouldn't say it was a scary movie... not at all, but... still an OK movie. I wouldn't see it again, there's no need. Now, I have to say, the spreading of the disease is a little different than in most cases, but, still... it's a disease movie. 


Season One

Season one is officially over! We reviewed 4 big movies this season, and season two will review more big movies. Thank you for reading and watching, and we'll see you for season two. This season we reviewed "The Box" (6/10) "The Fourth Kind" (4/10) "2012" (10/10) and "Disney's A Christmas Carol" (3/10). Check out season two with such big releases as "A Nightmare on Elm Street" "MacGruber" "The Crazies" and many more. Thank you for watching/reading In The Car With Clara and Zach!

Did You Hear About The Morgan's? (2009) Review

Why did Hugh Grant and Sarah Jessica Parker get a movie together?!

Apparently, Sarah Jessica Parker is a successful lawyer and her husband is a successful businessman. They are going through a divorce. Yay. Somehow, they witness a murder and the witness protection agency decides to hide them, to protect them. So they go to the unknown town of Ray, Wyoming. They fall in love and get remarried and have a baby.

This was supposed to be a rom-com... it was... and it wasn't. Most of the really funny parts are showcased in the trailer, so there ya go. Others parts are... giggle worthy, but nothing is HILARIOUS. I also couldn't believe Hugh Grant's character. Hugh just isn't good in this movie. But, oh well. S.J.P. is so so in this movie, but I found myself wishing for the END credits to roll. But, the movie had a semi original plot, and for that, I laud it. S.J.P. made the movie, and Hugh Grant... not so much.


Disney's A Christmas Carol (2009) Review

It's ANOTHER Christmas Carol movie, only now it's in 3D. Yippee!

This Christmas Carol stars Jim Carrey as Scrooge, Christmas Past, Christmas Present, and Christmas Future. Going into this movie I had... so so expectations. I like the Christmas Carol story, and I have seen many movie and TV adaptations of the story... but this caught my fancy. I love Jim Carrey, so I wanted to see what he would bring to the table!

And what he brought... was nothing. This movie SUCKED! The plot was even more boring than the TBS version of A Christmas Carol, and it was "scary" to children. I mean come on! A Jim Carrey movie, I expected it to be... I don't know... silly? I didn't expect to see my cousin jumping and hiding his face. I know the story of A Christmas Carol is serious, but... Jim Carrey is a child-comedy actor! This movie should not have been scary! The characters didn't draw me in, the "jokes" weren't original, and the 3D was mediocre at best.


Everybody's Fine (2009) Review

Nope. You didn't miss an episode of In The Car With Clara and Zach. I just didn't post the review in time for it to still be valid. I waited too long to post it, so there was no point!


Robert DeNiro plays an elderly widow, who decides to go visit his kids who all live in different areas of the country. After his kids cancel their plans to visit him, DeNiro packs up and hops on a bus/train/plane/rental car/taxi, and visits each of his four kids. Now I thought this was going to be a comedy from the trailer. It wasn't. This was a super serious movie. Super-dee-duper serious. DeNiro goes to his first sons house to find it abandoned. His daughter is married, and seems happy. His other daughter has a gorgeous house and a cute little baby to babysit for. His final child is the conductor of a huge orchestra in New York. Throughout the movie, the kids keep in contact, obviously keeping a secret from old dad. A big one. His son is dead. The house is abandoned because he's dead. Near the end of the movie we find out that the one daughter is going through a divorce and seeing another man. His other daughter is really living in a shanty, and the baby is really hers. The only living son is actually just a drummer in the orchestra, not the conductor. DeNiro has been lied to by his own kids for his sake. This movie was SOOOOO LONG! I liked it, it was OK, but it was too long, and the trailer made it seem like a freakin' comedy when it was really a drama. DeNiro was great. I loved his character and I found myself wanting to meet this guy and tell him that everything would be ok. Everybody else... sucked. I didn't believe their characters or situations.


2012 Review (2009)

Another apocalyptic movie... yay?

YAY INDEED! This movie is AMAZING!

The CG effects are amazing, and the actors are great. Starring John Cusack, and Amanda Peet, this is probably my favorite movie of 2009. I found myself reacting with everything that happens in the movie. I wanted the main characters to survive. I put myself in their shoes, and felt relieved when they survived one thing after another. This movie was... "heartwarming" but mainly ADVENTUROUS! I loved it. This movie has criticism for being long and dragging, but it wasn't at all. I would've sat through this movie for another 3 hours! I loved it I loved it I loved it I LOVED IT!!!! :D


The Fourth Kind (2009) Review

Aliens are abducting people. Only Milla Jovovich can save them! Sound good? The commercials certainly made it look good... but then I went to a theatre.

This movie is "based on true events" and I guess I could believe that, but I don't. This can't happen in real life! No! Also, this movie was trying to play on the "weird" factor, by showing everybody's possession... only it doesn't show everyone's possession. Everytime something "cool" happens the footage cuts out and you just have to assume what's happening. Later in the movie, Milla's daughter is abducted, and the police think Milla killed her. Well, she didn't. The rest of the movie is spent searching for little Milla Jovovich's daughter. At the end... they don't find her. There. I said it. The movie doesn't explain what happened at all. The actual movie ends with a title screen saying "Based on True Events: (daughter's name) was never found" BUT, the actual film ends with the actors coming out and saying "I'm (name) and I played (name)" it was so stupid. THis movie was a failed attempt at something that might have had a chance, but it failed miserably. This could've been a great movie. It certainly wasn't.


The Box (2009) Review

This movie looks GREAT!

I went into the theatre thinking, man this looks good. I left saying... "what just happened?!"

Cameron Diaz and James Marsden play a 1970s couple, who are offered with a life-altering choice. Push a button on the box and recieve $1,000,000 and someone will be killed, or don't push the button and go on living your life just as you normally would've. Well... this is a great concept, but they just didn't hit the mark. The button is pushed within the first half hour; therefore, ensuing much chaos. People are killed, people threaten to kill our duo, and this whole time they are trying to find the guy that gave them the box. In the end they are given an ultimatum. One of you have to die to save your son, or don't die, and your son will have to live blind and deaf for the rest of his life. What would you do? Well I don't know because I have no idea what happened in this movie. It leaves you with soooooooooooooo many questions.... and probably... two are answered. And I don't like that. I want to know what happened in the movie spot on. I want to know what that means and what this means. Why would you put something into a movie to have people say 'What's that all about?' and then they wait for an explanation... and never get one? That's like wasted space in your movie! That's like me just splicing something random into this review without an explanation donuts. I think this movie was supposed to be fantastic, but it just doesn't hit the tee. Yes, it had an original plot, but... it just wasn't good.
